Best Practice Browsers Microsoft Teams Thoughts and Musings

You can’t be in two places at once, except…

Teams is great for focus. Teams is bad for multitasking. Get the best of both worlds with this not-too-techie tip

Best Practice Browsers Computers and Internet Intranet Microsoft

Edge Chromium. It’s brilliant, but about that annoying App Launch pop-up…

How to alleviate the annoyance of the App-launch pop up confirmation in the new Edge chromium

AI Cloud Collaboration Computers and Internet Innovation Intranet Microsoft Teams Technology Thoughts and Musings

Some Trends in the Digital Workspace

There is a lot going on in the digital work place, driven by new technologies, by evolving work patterns, by external challenges (notably climate change and COVID-19) and a realisation that what seemed to work before may not work for us future (if it ever really did).

Best Practice Improvement Informatics Microsoft Office Microsoft Power Platform Power BI Thoughts and Musings

Bringing 100 year old technology to Healthcare -Part 4

In part 3 I presented an alternative view of the role of SPC for healthcare. In this final part, we will look using SPC in Microsoft Excel and Power BI and conclude with whether SPC does have a place in Health. Creating and Presenting SPC Charts Whichever way the debate goes, SPC needs to be […]

Best Practice Improvement Informatics Thoughts and Musings

Bringing 100 year old technology to Healthcare -Part 3

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a technique that has been widely used in industry for many decades. But is it useful in Healthcare.
Part 3 of 4

Best Practice Improvement Informatics Thoughts and Musings

Bringing 100 year old technology to Healthcare -Part 2

Statistical Process Control (SPC) is a technique that has been widely used in industry for many decades. But is it useful in Healthcare.
Part 2 of 4