Best Practice Improvement Informatics Microsoft Office Microsoft Power Platform Power BI Thoughts and Musings

Bringing 100 year old technology to Healthcare -Part 4

In part 3 I presented an alternative view of the role of SPC for healthcare. In this final part, we will look using SPC in Microsoft Excel and Power BI and conclude with whether SPC does have a place in Health. Creating and Presenting SPC Charts Whichever way the debate goes, SPC needs to be […]

Azure Cognitive Services Innovation Intranet Metadata Microsoft 365 Microsoft Flow Microsoft Power Platform SharePoint

Auto-Classify Images in SharePoint Online Library – an epic Real-World Flow

Don’t be fooled by the marketing, demonstrators or “so simple your Mum could do it” claims some would have you believe; in the real world things are more complex and production quality Flows and business solutions need to be developed for that real world.

In addition to uncovering these themes, my latest blog sites does really cool things using machine learning via Azure Cognitive Services, Microsoft Flow and SharePoint to automatically tag images. It’s written so that a new Flow user should be able to reproduce it themselves.